great abstract madness
great abstract madness
Yeh it was
pee pee
very good ...lots of work..congratulations..great character design..good script...great voice talent..good color concept. On the negative side I found the the rack focus affect where you zoom and scale on the characters to be over used ..also you should try to key frame some of your animation rather than always rely on the automatic tweening function in gives this kind of floating effect that i hate.. I wouldn't even bring up these issues except for the fact that you worked so hard on your toon and you obviously want to good luck to you with your career in animation
YOu know what, I was getting a feeling I was overusing the zoom a little bit. I'm gonna cut back in my next one. And yes, I'm going back to doing a lot more fbf... it's just more professional. Great suggestions, glad you enjoyed it!
needs work
well im usually quite forgiving...but this is pretty unforgivable and unwatchable... sorry... bad fonts... crappy lighting= waste of time
nah it was good!
great style and tempo
Over all very cool and interesting... i just don't get all the newgrounds inside jokes...sorry
its allright if you didnt!
I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway!
Only long time members of newgrounds who know what goes down are going to understand wtf is going on in this thing.
not bad for a days work
but seriously id like to see something that maybe you worked a little harder on....animation shouldn't be that should suffer more like the rest of us poor bastards.
yea... lol
i made it in one day... however...
man... i suffered making Final Mog... and it kinda !Sucked! =/
but i shall suffer more!!!
tres cool
le musique est tres bon . oui j'aime le low rez est le tekno
What you said?
The music is good and some think about techno? ~_~
harvey rip off
hey this is like that harvey cartoon i just reviewed a couple of days ago
It's not a ripp off. the recording was amde before the release of the animation and it was done the same day as the harvey one was released (I released thisone one day after it was released) + I haden't even seen that one before I had submited this one.
great package
I really love the presentation...with the menu of mini movies..very ambitious and original...
Thanks alot:) I'm glad you liked it...
well -intentioned
Listen ...If you going to use all those bit map drawings your going to have to learn how to use adobe photoshop... your subject is very ambitious but you have to spend some time treating and optimizing your images... for chist sake it took more time to load than Half life 2 but all in all very entertaining and worth it...
You have run out of a type of Cargo: Alien Artifacts.
ain't no thing but a chicken wing
Age 58, Male
Joined on 1/5/06